Amazon Gold Box Deals is a special list from Amazon consist of many great selected items that usually come with a big discount for very limited time. So, promoting Amazon Goldbox is a great and easy way for every Amazon affiliate member to earn big commission from their sales.
The most benefit of using GoldBox RSS is that we can automatically promoting the products even if you do not have website. There are many websites and social medias such as Facebook, Twitter etc that allow us to automate share our contents through RSS feeds. You can use free service like to auto post to Twitter, Facebook etc.
There are two important things the tool can do for you:
For faster loading, the feed will be cached for 10 minutes, that means the feed will check the deals every 10 minutes.
Access Key is required to use this tool. We provide temporary Access Key for you to use this tool for free. Free Access Key today: "FREEAFFDB"
If this key doesn't work, please try again the tool after 30 minutes, system will generate a new key automatically. Make sure there's NO SPACE before or after the access key and note that this access key is a temporary key and will expire in few days.
For your convenience, subscribe the Access Key now before the price up! It's only $4 per month for monthly subscription, or get the lower price at $2 per month for yearly subcription. We will send the Access Key to your PayPal email in few hours.
If subcribing Access Key doesn't enough, you can buy the script. Buy the script now for $24 only, buying the script will give you access to the source code. This script is licensed under AGPL3, You can host it on your server, using it for yourself, or offer the same service as we do to your users. We will send the script to your PayPal email in few hours.